
Organizational leaders like you trust us to manage your finances, 会计和技术需求, 创造效率和提高生产力.

委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app)经验丰富的外包专业人员可以无缝地融入您的非营利或公司团队. 因为你的组织运作是独一无二的, 还有你为顾客服务的方式, clients and members requires more than a cookie-cutter approach, 我们对我们的工作采取协商的方式, 仔细倾听,了解自己的目标, 为您提供战略性建议和建议服务,我们相信这将使您受益,并将您的企业风险降至最低. 我们在以下领域提供专业知识:

老葡京手机app的专业人员提供首席财务官级别的专业知识,帮助管理您组织的财务和战略活动. Our qualified professionals oversee and forecast your cash flow activities, 建立KPI指示板和图表, 预算和预估财务, 提供财务预测. We also help scale the financial operations of your enterprise, 在需要的时候, 并组织复杂的会计操作. 最后, 我们可以在董事会和执行委员会级别的战略会议上向您的团队介绍.

老葡京手机app提供控制器级别的专业知识来管理您组织的会计相关活动, including the timely delivery of financial statements, 监督内部控制的实施, managing transactions and ensuring reporting compliance. 我们还可以为您的组织准备由第三方会计师进行年度审计和税务业务, 监督预算的准备工作.

一个组织的数字化运作, when structured correctly with the right tools and processes in place, 可以显著提高团队的生产力,并为您的工作流程带来令人欢迎的效率吗. 老葡京手机app's outsourced accounting team consults with you on the selection, 开发和优化正确的财务管理和计费技术,使您的运营走上长期成功的快车道.

在当今瞬息万变的环境中, 你的非营利组织或公司团队必须拥有合适的专业知识,并能有效地帮助你成长. 煤层气的 人的方法 组织的成功意味着我们的专业知识不仅仅局限于财务运营管理. 除了在这个核心领域协助你, 我们还帮助评估您的人员运作, 同时在工资和福利方面积累经验,以最大限度地提高你在合适的地方找到合适的人的可能性.

除了我们正在进行的服务, 老葡京手机app的咨询团队在包括估值在内的广泛的组织交易中提供咨询专业知识, 合并 & 收购、买卖协议、退出计划或退休计划、争议和诉讼. 无论您的企业面临何种情况, 老葡京手机app专家可以引导你走上成功之路. 点击这里 to learn more about our expertise with transactional planning.


我们的专业知识非常适合于 非营利性组织 包括501(c)6贸易和会员协会, 专业服务公司; and smaller firms or not-for-profits with growth potential throughout the Washington, 首都圈. Organizations with a virtual office set-up can also benefit from working with 老葡京手机app.


我们知道,管理你的组织的财务可能是压倒性的和耗时的. 这就是为什么我们提供一系列的福利来帮助您驾驭会计的复杂性,并实现内心的平静. Here are the key advantages of our accounting and advisory services:

1. Peace of mind through our proactive guidance and forward-thinking approach
2. Fast response times and unwavering reliability from our team
3. High-quality expertise to save you valuable time and help you worry less
4. 通过消除与雇用和维护内部人员相关的费用来节省成本
5. Timely delivery of comprehensive reports and astute insights
6. Modernized and scalable systems that optimize workflows and facilitate future growth
7. Continuous guidance on controls, best practices and systems to enhance financial operations
8. Full control over the range of services tailored to meet your specific needs

Delivering a People-Driven Approach to Business Success

在当今瞬息万变的商业环境中, your team must have the right kind of expertise deployed effectively to help you grow. 老葡京手机app以人为本的商业成功方法意味着我们的专业知识不仅限于财务或会计运营管理. 老葡京手机app的外包团队可以提供帮助 评估你的人员运作, 利用对工资单和福利的理解,最大限度地提高你在合适的地方找到合适的人的可能性. 对您来说,结果是增加了您的团队与您的战略目标一致的信心,以及利用可用人才推动长期业务成功的能力.


煤层气的 快速参考 are high-level insights published by our forward-thinking tax, 专注于企业面临的关键问题和关注的会计和咨询专业人士. 老葡京手机app可以帮助您实现最小化风险和最大化新机会的解决方案.


What Clients Have to Say 关于 Our Accounting and Advisory Expertise

我很感激多米尼克·贝利亚和他的团队在帮助阿尔茨海默之声建立我们的会计系统方面所表现出的专业知识. 我们只与老葡京手机app合作了几个月,但他们在回答许多初步问题时的耐心让我们受益匪浅, in-depth insights and attention to risk management concerns. We look forward to benefiting from our ongoing partnership in the future. – 吉姆·泰勒,阿尔茨海默病之声主席

The Franciscan Monastery has worked with 老葡京手机app for nearly five years now, 在此期间,多米尼克·贝利亚和他的团队成功地将我们从纸质操作转变为全数字化系统. Through the use of digital 应付账款 programs, such as Bill.com, 以及其他相关软件, 老葡京手机app简化了我们的流程, 减少重复工作, all while providing more effective internal controls and greater transparency. Most importantly, the 老葡京手机app team has been a great group of professionals to work with. They made the transition seamless and have been available to support us every step of the way. 我强烈推荐他们.  – 克里斯·德怀尔,美国圣地方济各会修道院的商业和运营总监


弗里茨·波拉德联盟基金会是一个不以营利为目的的组织,全职员工不到五人. 我们的增长在很大程度上依赖于我们将良好的业务实践与清晰的愿景结合起来的能力.  我们最初的目标是找到一个不仅仅提供会计服务的业务合作伙伴. 我们需要一个能够帮助我们提高业务效率和透明度的合作伙伴. 老葡京手机app在帮助我们建立开发可持续商业模式所需的清晰度和信心方面带来了巨大的价值. Dominick Bellia and Janice Wofford have been tremendous partners in the process.” – Rod Graves, 执行董事, Fritz Pollard Alliance Foundation

From a prior experience working with Dominick Bellia and Amanda McWilliams, I immediately contacted them as soon as I arrived as executive director of ATLIS. 我从来没有后悔过那个决定. 当时, ATLIS was shifting from a largely volunteer-driven organization to what it is today, 一个年收入近100万美元的组织. 建立信任机制帮助这一转变取得了成功. 我向多米尼克解释说,我希望长期聘用老葡京手机app,这样公司和老葡京手机app在我们的参与下就能共同成长——事实也确实如此. 我每天都依靠多米尼克和他的团队. 他们的专业知识总是可用的, 它使我避免了花费太多时间去理解组织财务上的细微差别的挑战.

财务报告总是在不断发展,但我对多米尼克和阿曼达提交给董事会的报告充满信心,这是基于我对他们的信任. ——克里斯蒂娜·卢埃伦, 工商管理硕士, CAE, 执行董事, Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools

“I have been really thrilled with 老葡京手机app and I am grateful to work with Dominick.  He is very knowledgeable about every issue I bring to him, and I am confident that his advice has saved my company tens of thousands of dollars.  除了, 当我无法从我的常规银行获得贷款时,他为我们联系了一家PPP #2贷款人, 效果也很好吗.” – Aaron Seyedian, Well-Paid Maids的创始人

“我们的董事会对老葡京手机app为我们的会计需求带来的专业性和响应性感到非常满意.” – 匿名


“Dominick, Jessie and the whole 老葡京手机app team have been great! They’re extremely helpful, super responsive and always on top of our Association’s needs.” – Anina Adelfino, Operations Manager at the Association of Clinical Research Organizations

“I’ve been very fortunate to have Dominick Bellia as my account manager, 谁是善良的, and exceedingly patient with regard to helping me learn the system. 他对系统和商业的许多细微差别的了解令人震惊. 我经常给他打电话,我担心老葡京手机app会解雇我! 除了 to the fact that the system has simplified my internal accounting, the information necessary for tax preparation is readily available, 随时通知, 我没有付出任何努力.” – Wendi Picker-Dennard, Independent Meeting Planner at Accommodations Unlimited





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